Frelsi til merkingarsköpunar: Að hugsa út frá skynfinningu
Í Árnagarði 306 föstudaginn 7. mars kl. 15:15-17:15.
Þátttakendur í öndvegisverkefninu „Frelsi til merkingarsköpunar: Reynslubundnar líkamlegar rannsóknir“ kynna fræðilegar forsendur og aðferðir líkamlegrar gagnrýninnar hugsunar í námi og rannsóknum. Aðferðirnar ganga út frá því að virkja eigin hugsun nemenda og rannsakenda með því að nýta markvisst eigin reynslubundna þekkingu. M.ö.o. er gagnrýnin hugsun efld með því að hugsa út frá eigin skynfinningu fyrir viðfangsefnum og virkja þekkingarfræðilega samkennd í eigin hugsun.
Í málstofunni verður sýnt hvernig þessar aðferðir eru nýttar í kennslu ólíkra greina og með fjölbreytilegum hópum. Áheyrendum gefst loks tækifæri til að gera skynfinningaræfingar
Freedom to Make Sense: Thinking from the Felt Sense
Participants in the excellence project "Freedom to Make Sense: Embodied, Experiential Research" present the theoretical foundations and methods of embodied critical thinking in learning and research. These methods aim to activate students' and researchers' own thinking by systematically utilizing their experiential knowledge. In other words, critical thinking is enhanced by engaging with subjects through one's own felt sense of issues and fostering cognitive empathy in thought processes.
The seminar will demonstrate how these methods are applied in teaching across various disciplines and with diverse groups. Finally, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in felt-sensing exercises.
We will share insights into how to create conditions for listening—both inner listening and felt sensing—along with trust and cognitive empathy in the classroom. This is based on our experiences in introductory courses as well as in research seminars. We will discuss this in relation to the methodologies of Focusing and Thinking at the Edge.
We will discuss sensuous, tacit, and embodied knowledge in arts education. We will also explore the embodied, cognitive, and aesthetic dimensions of scholarly and artistic thinking. Finally, we will highlight intersections between artistic and scientific thinking.